Coach's Corner January 27, 20220CommentsStaying strong when chaos is all around you Staying strong. It’s the most important thing you can do right now!How do you keep your balance when so much around us is unstable? How do you stay focused? by Robert Imbriale
Coach's Corner January 20, 20220CommentsIt’s a Fact.. or is it? It’s a fact! We seem to argue a lot these days over the facts. What’s a fact? Whose facts are the real facts? Are you getting the facts from by Robert Imbriale
Coach's Corner January 13, 20220CommentsWhy We Believe the Things We Believe Why we believe the things we believe We argue about them. We disagree about them. We defend them. They form a large part of who we are. But how are by Robert Imbriale
Coach's Corner January 6, 20220CommentsNew Year Positivity Now As this New Year gets rolling, few of us are up for yet another year of more of the same. What we want is hope for a better year ahead. by Robert Imbriale